Square Roots and Cube Roots

What is the square root of 16?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 8
d) 16
Solution: b) 4

What is the square root of 81?
a) 9
b) 18
c) 27
d) 81
Solution: a) 9

What is the square root of 25?
a) 2
b) 5
c) 10
d) 25
Solution: b) 5

What is the square root of 36?
a) 3
b) 6
c) 9
d) 36
Solution: b) 6

What is the square root of 100?
a) 10
b) 20
c) 50
d) 100
Solution: a) 10

What is the square root of 144?
a) 12
b) 24
c) 36
d) 144
Solution: a) 12

What is the square root of 169?
a) 10
b) 13
c) 16
d) 169
Solution: b) 13

What is the square root of 225?
a) 15
b) 25
c) 35
d) 225
Solution: a) 15

What is the square root of 256?
a) 8
b) 16
c) 32
d) 256
Solution: b) 16

What is the square root of 324?
a) 9
b) 18
c) 27
d) 36
Solution: d) 36

What is the square root of 400?
a) 20
b) 40
c) 200
d) 400
Solution: a) 20

What is the square root of 625?
a) 15
b) 25
c) 35
d) 625
Solution: b) 25

What is the square root of 900?
a) 30
b) 60
c) 90
d) 900
Solution: a) 30

What is the square root of 1024?
a) 4
b) 16
c) 32
d) 1024
Solution: c) 32

What is the square root of 1296?
a) 18
b) 36
c) 48
d) 1296
Solution: b) 36

What is the square root of 1444?
a) 22
b) 34
c) 38
d) 1444
Solution: a) 22

What is the square root of 1600?
a) 20
b) 40
c) 80
d) 1600
Solution: a) 20

What is the square root of 1764?
a) 42
b) 54
c) 66
d) 1764
Solution: a) 42

What is the square root of 2025?
a) 45
b) 55
c) 65
d) 2025
Solution: a) 45

What is the square root of 2116?
a) 46
b) 56
c) 66
d) 2116
Solution: a) 46

What is the square root of 2304?
a) 32
b) 48
c) 54
d) 2304
Solution: b) 48

What is the square root of 2401?
a) 49
b) 64
c) 81
d) 2401
Solution: a) 49

What is the square root of 2704?
a) 42
b) 52
c) 62
d) 2704
Solution: b) 52

What is the square root of 2916?
a) 36
b) 54
c) 64
d) 2916
Solution: a) 36

What is the square root of 3025?
a) 45
b) 55
c) 65
d) 3025
Solution: c) 65

What is the square root of 3136?
a) 56
b) 64
c) 76
d) 3136
Solution: b) 64

What is the square root of 3249?
a) 49
b) 57
c) 71
d) 3249
Solution: a) 49

What is the square root of 3364?
a) 46
b) 58
c) 74
d) 3364
Solution: b) 58

What is the square root of 3481?
a) 59
b) 67
c) 83
d) 3481
Solution: a) 59

What is the square root of 3600?
a) 40
b) 60
c) 80
d) 3600
Solution: b) 60

What is the square root of 3721?
a) 51
b) 61
c) 71
d) 3721
Solution: b) 61

What is the square root of 3844?
a) 42
b) 58
c) 76
d) 3844
Solution: c) 76

What is the square root of 3969?
a) 63
b) 67
c) 81
d) 3969
Solution: a) 63

What is the square root of 4096?
a) 32
b) 64
c) 96
d) 4096
Solution: b) 64

What is the square root of 4225?
a) 45
b) 65
c) 85
d) 4225
Solution: b) 65

What is the square root of 4356?
a) 36
b) 54
c) 66
d) 4356
Solution: c) 66

What is the square root of 4489?
a) 53
b) 67
c) 77
d) 4489
Solution: b) 67

What is the square root of 4624?
a) 64
b) 74
c) 84
d) 4624
Solution: a) 64

What is the square root of 4761?
a) 61
b) 71
c) 81
d) 4761
Solution: b) 71

What is the square root of 4900?
a) 40
b) 60
c) 70
d) 4900
Solution: c) 70

What is the square root of 5041?
a) 41
b) 61
c) 81
d) 5041
Solution: a) 41

What is the square root of 5184?
a) 72
b) 84
c) 96
d) 5184
Solution: a) 72

What is the square root of 5329?
a) 58
b) 73
c) 89
d) 5329
Solution: b) 73

What is the square root of 5476?
a) 64
b) 76
c) 88
d) 5476
Solution: b) 76

What is the square root of 5625?
a) 45
b) 65
c) 75
d) 5625
Solution: c) 75

What is the square root of 5776?
a) 76
b) 86
c) 96
d) 5776
Solution: a) 76

What is the square root of 5929?
a) 67
b) 79
c) 93
d) 5929
Solution: b) 79

What is the square root of 6084?
a) 82
b) 94
c) 106
d) 6084
Solution: a) 82

What is the square root of 6241?
a) 71
b) 81
c) 91
d) 6241
Solution: c) 91

What is the square root of 6400?
a) 40
b) 80
c) 100
d) 6400
Solution: b) 80

What is the cube root of 8?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 8
d) 16
Solution: a) 2

What is the cube root of 27?
a) 3
b) 6
c) 9
d) 27
Solution: a) 3

What is the cube root of 64?
a) 4
b) 8
c) 16
d) 64
Solution: a) 4

What is the cube root of 125?
a) 5
b) 10
c) 15
d) 125
Solution: a) 5

What is the cube root of 216?
a) 6
b) 12
c) 36
d) 216
Solution: a) 6

What is the cube root of 343?
a) 7
b) 14
c) 21
d) 343
Solution: a) 7

What is the cube root of 512?
a) 8
b) 16
c) 32
d) 512
Solution: a) 8

What is the cube root of 729?
a) 9
b) 27
c) 81
d) 729
Solution: a) 9

What is the cube root of 1000?
a) 10
b) 20
c) 100
d) 1000
Solution: a) 10

What is the cube root of 1331?
a) 11
b) 22
c) 33
d) 1331
Solution: a) 11

What is the cube root of 1728?
a) 12
b) 24
c) 48
d) 1728
Solution: a) 12

What is the cube root of 2197?
a) 13
b) 26
c) 39
d) 2197
Solution: a) 13

What is the cube root of 2744?
a) 14
b) 28
c) 56
d) 2744
Solution: a) 14

What is the cube root of 3375?
a) 15
b) 30
c) 75
d) 3375
Solution: a) 15

What is the cube root of 4096?
a) 16
b) 32
c) 64
d) 4096
Solution: a) 16

What is the cube root of 4913?
a) 17
b) 34
c) 51
d) 4913
Solution: a) 17

What is the cube root of 5832?
a) 18
b) 36
c) 54
d) 5832
Solution: a) 18

What is the cube root of 6859?
a) 19
b) 38
c) 57
d) 6859
Solution: a) 19

What is the cube root of 8000?
a) 20
b) 40
c) 80
d) 8000
Solution: a) 20

What is the cube root of 9261?
a) 21
b) 42
c) 63
d) 9261
Solution: a) 21

What is the cube root of 10648?
a) 22
b) 44
c) 66
d) 10648
Solution: b) 44

What is the cube root of 12167?
a) 23
b) 46
c) 69
d) 12167
Solution: a) 23

What is the cube root of 13824?
a) 24
b) 48
c) 96
d) 13824
Solution: a) 24

What is the cube root of 15625?
a) 25
b) 50
c) 125
d) 15625
Solution: a) 25

What is the cube root of 17576?
a) 26
b) 52
c) 104
d) 17576
Solution: a) 26

What is the cube root of 19683?
a) 27
b) 54
c) 108
d) 19683
Solution: a) 27

What is the cube root of 21952?
a) 28
b) 56
c) 112
d) 21952
Solution: b) 56

What is the cube root of 24389?
a) 29
b) 58
c) 116
d) 24389
Solution: a) 29

What is the cube root of 27000?
a) 30
b) 60
c) 150
d) 27000
Solution: a) 30

What is the cube root of 29791?
a) 31
b) 62
c) 124
d) 29791
Solution: b) 62

What is the cube root of 32768?
a) 32
b) 64
c) 128
d) 32768
Solution: a) 32

What is the cube root of 35937?
a) 33
b) 66
c) 132
d) 35937
Solution: a) 33

What is the cube root of 39304?
a) 34
b) 68
c) 136
d) 39304
Solution: a) 34

What is the cube root of 42875?
a) 35
b) 70
c) 140
d) 42875
Solution: a) 35

What is the cube root of 46656?
a) 36
b) 72
c) 144
d) 46656
Solution: a) 36

What is the cube root of 50653?
a) 37
b) 74
c) 148
d) 50653
Solution: a) 37

What is the cube root of 54872?
a) 38
b) 76
c) 152
d) 54872
Solution: a) 38

What is the cube root of 59319?
a) 39
b) 78
c) 156
d) 59319
Solution: a) 39

What is the cube root of 64000?
a) 40
b) 80
c) 160
d) 64000
Solution: a) 40

What is the cube root of 68921?
a) 41
b) 82
c) 164
d) 68921
Solution: a) 41

What is the cube root of 74088?
a) 42
b) 84
c) 168
d) 74088
Solution: b) 84

What is the cube root of 79507?
a) 43
b) 86
c) 172
d) 79507
Solution: a) 43

What is the cube root of 85184?
a) 44
b) 88
c) 176
d) 85184
Solution: a) 44

What is the cube root of 91125?
a) 45
b) 90
c) 180
d) 91125
Solution: a) 45

What is the cube root of 97336?
a) 46
b) 92
c) 184
d) 97336
Solution: a) 46

What is the cube root of 103823?
a) 47
b) 94
c) 188
d) 103823
Solution: a) 47

What is the cube root of 110592?
a) 48
b) 96
c) 192
d) 110592
Solution: a) 48

What is the cube root of 117649?
a) 49
b) 98
c) 196
d) 117649
Solution: a) 49

What is the cube root of 125000?
a) 50
b) 100
c) 200
d) 125000
Solution: b) 100

What is the cube root of 132651?
a) 51
b) 102
c) 204
d) 132651
Solution: a) 51


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