Active and Passive Voices in English Grammar

Active and passive voices are integral components of English grammar. An understanding of these voices allows you to construct sentences in varied and precise ways, improving your overall communication skills. Mastery of active and passive voices is crucial for competitive exams like the SSC and banking exams, as it aids in solving questions in the English language and comprehension section more effectively.

Moreover, knowledge of active and passive voices enhances your writing and reading abilities, enabling you to express your thoughts clearly and understand complex texts. They add diversity and specificity to your language usage, making your writing more compelling and your speech more engaging.

Concept Explanation:

In English grammar, active voice is when the subject of the sentence performs the action (verb), whereas passive voice is when the subject of the sentence undergoes or receives the action. The choice between these voices can shift emphasis between the doer (active voice) and the receiver of the action (passive voice).

For instance, consider the active voice sentence, “John baked the cake.” Here, John is the subject performing the action. The equivalent passive voice sentence is “The cake was baked by John.” In this case, the cake, the receiver of the action, is emphasized instead.

Formation of Passive Voice:

Transforming an active voice sentence into a passive voice sentence involves several steps:

  1. Identify the subject, verb, and object in the active voice sentence.
  2. Move the object to the subject position in the passive voice sentence.
  3. Insert an appropriate form of the auxiliary verb ‘be’ (or occasionally ‘get’) before the main verb.
  4. Change the main verb to its past participle form.
  5. The original subject becomes the object of the preposition ‘by’.

For example, to change “Lisa is writing a letter” (active voice) to passive voice, follow these steps:

  1. Lisa – Subject; is writing – Verb; a letter – Object.
  2. A letter (Object moved to Subject position).
  3. A letter is (Insert auxiliary verb ‘be’).
  4. A letter is written (Main verb changed to past participle).
  5. A letter is written by Lisa (Original subject becomes object of the preposition ‘by’).

When to Use Active and Passive Voices:

Active and passive voices serve different purposes and have distinct effects on sentence structure and meaning. Here’s a detailed note on when to use active and passive voices:

Active Voice:

  1. Emphasizing the subject: Active voice highlights the doer of the action, making the sentence more direct and engaging. It is often preferred when the subject is important or when you want to draw attention to who or what is performing the action.

Example: “John painted the house.”

  1. Clarity and simplicity: Active voice tends to be more straightforward and easier to understand because the subject performs the action directly on the object. It is often recommended for clear communication.

Example: “She solved the problem.”

  1. Expressing agency and responsibility: Active voice clearly attributes responsibility for the action to the subject, making it useful for accountability or attribution of actions.

Example: “The team completed the project on time.”

  1. Writing in an active and dynamic style: Active voice helps create a lively and engaging writing style, especially in narratives, descriptions, and persuasive writing.

Example: “The athlete broke the world record.”

Passive Voice:

  1. Shifting focus to the object: Passive voice directs attention to the object or receiver of the action, rather than the doer. It is useful when the object is more important or when the doer is unknown or less significant.

Example: “The house was painted by John.”

  1. Politeness or tact: Passive voice can be used to soften the impact of a statement or to avoid direct attribution of an action. It can be useful in formal or sensitive contexts.

Example: “Mistakes were made.”

  1. Emphasizing results or consequences: Passive voice can highlight the outcome or effect of an action, rather than the doer. It is often used in scientific or technical writing to focus on results or observations.

Example: “The data were analyzed and compared.”

  1. Adding variety and variation: Passive voice can provide sentence variation and avoid repetition by shifting the sentence structure and point of view.

Example: “The cake was baked by my grandmother, and the decorations were added by my sister.”

Remember that the choice between active and passive voice depends on the context, intention, and emphasis you want to convey in your writing. Active voice is generally preferred for clear and direct communication, while passive voice can be useful for specific purposes such as focusing on the object or adding politeness. Strive for a balance between the two voices, and consider the impact and clarity of your sentences when making the choice.

Common Errors and Mistakes:

  1. Incorrect verb forms: Using the wrong verb form can lead to errors in both active and passive voice constructions. Make sure to use the correct verb tense and form according to the subject and context of the sentence.
  2. Missing auxiliary verbs: In passive voice constructions, it’s important to include the appropriate auxiliary verb “be” (e.g., is, am, are, was, were) along with the past participle of the main verb. Forgetting to include the auxiliary verb can result in incorrect passive voice sentences.
  3. Confusing subject and object: It’s essential to correctly identify the subject (doer of the action) and the object (receiver of the action) in a sentence. Switching the subject and object can lead to errors in both active and passive voice constructions.
  4. Incorrect use of prepositions: When using passive voice and including the agent (the subject of the active voice sentence) using the preposition “by,” make sure to use it correctly. Using the wrong preposition or omitting it entirely can lead to confusion and incorrect sentence structures.
  5. Lack of clarity or ambiguity: Sometimes, sentences in both active and passive voice can lack clarity or be ambiguous. Ensure that your sentences convey the intended meaning and are clear to the reader.
  6. Overusing passive voice: Passive voice is useful in certain contexts, but excessive use can make writing vague or less engaging. Strive for a balance between active and passive voice constructions to maintain clarity and variety in your writing.
  7. Failure to revise and proofread: Errors and mistakes can easily slip through the cracks if you don’t revise and proofread your work carefully. Take the time to review your sentences, paying attention to grammar, clarity, and consistency.

Practice Exercises:

Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice.

  1. The company released a new product last week.
  2. They repaired the broken computer yesterday.
  3. The teacher will assign the homework tomorrow.
  4. My sister made a delicious cake for my birthday.
  5. The mechanic fixed my car this morning.

Exercise 2: Rewrite the following sentences in the active voice.

  1. The book was written by J.K. Rowling.
  2. The house was built in 1905.
  3. The window was broken by the baseball.
  4. The report was submitted by the deadline.
  5. The cake was baked by my grandmother.

Exercise 3: Choose whether to write the following sentences in the active or passive voice.

  1. The dog was rescued by the firefighters.
  2. The students will present their projects next week.
  3. The television was invented by John Logie Baird.
  4. The letter was written by Jane.
  5. They announced the winner of the competition yesterday.

Exercise 4: Rewrite the following sentences, changing the active voice to the passive voice or vice versa.

  1. The police arrested the suspect.
  2. The committee elected a new president.
  3. My parents bought me a new phone.
  4. The storm damaged several houses in the neighborhood.
  5. The coach praised the team for their hard work.

Tips and Strategies:

  • Understand the difference: Active voice emphasizes the subject performing the action, while passive voice emphasizes the object that receives the action. For example, in the sentence “John washed the car” (active voice), the subject “John” is performing the action “washed” on the object “car.” In the passive voice, the sentence becomes “The car was washed by John,” where the object “car” becomes the subject and the subject “John” becomes the agent preceded by “by.”
  • Identify the subject, verb, and object: To transform a sentence from active to passive (or vice versa), it’s essential to identify the subject, verb, and object in the sentence. The subject is the doer of the action, the verb is the action itself, and the object is the receiver of the action.
  • Pay attention to verb tenses and auxiliary verbs: When converting from active to passive voice, you need to adjust the verb tense and include the appropriate auxiliary verb “be” (e.g., is, am, are, was, were) along with the past participle of the main verb. For example, “He writes a letter” (active) becomes “A letter is written by him” (passive). Be mindful of tense consistency throughout the sentence.
  • Use “by” to indicate the agent: In passive voice sentences, the agent (the subject of the active voice sentence) can be included using the preposition “by.” However, not all passive voice sentences need to include the agent. If it’s not important or not known who performed the action, you can omit the agent.
  • Consider the context and meaning: The choice between active and passive voice depends on the context and what you want to emphasize in your sentence. Active voice is generally more direct, concise, and dynamic, while passive voice can be used to shift the focus to the object or when the doer of the action is unknown or less important.
  • Read and practice: The more you read and practice sentences in both active and passive voice, the more familiar you will become with the structures and patterns. It will help you develop an intuition for when to use each voice.
  • Proofread and revise: When writing or revising your own work, pay attention to the voice you are using. Active voice is often preferred for clear and engaging writing, but there may be instances where passive voice is more appropriate. Proofread your sentences and consider if the voice you chose effectively communicates your intended meaning.

Commonly Asked Questions:

  1. Informational Questions:


  • Who built the Eiffel Tower?
  • Which country won the last World Cup?
  • When did they discover electricity?


  • By whom was the Eiffel Tower built?
  • By which country was the last World Cup won?
  • When was electricity discovered?
  1. Yes/No Questions:


  • Did you finish your work?
  • Can she play the piano?
  • Is he going to the party?


  • Was your work finished?
  • Can the piano be played by her?
  • Is the party being attended by him?
  1. Open-ended Questions:


  • Why do you enjoy playing sports?
  • How does this machine work?
  • What steps should be taken to solve this problem?


  • Why is playing sports enjoyed by you?
  • How is this machine operated?
  • What steps should be taken to solve this problem?
  1. Opinion Questions:


  • What is your favorite movie?
  • Do you think technology has improved society?
  • How do you feel about social media?


  • What movie is your favorite?
  • Is society thought to be improved by technology?
  • How is social media viewed by you?
  1. Comparative Questions:


  • Which team scored more goals in the match?
  • How do laptops differ from tablets?
  • What are the advantages of living in a big city compared to a rural area?


  • By which team were more goals scored in the match?
  • How do laptops differ from tablets?
  • What are the advantages of living in a big city compared to a rural area?
  1. Problem-Solving Questions:


  • How would you handle a difficult customer?
  • What steps can be taken to reduce waste in the office?
  • How do you plan to overcome the budget deficit?


  • How would a difficult customer be handled?
  • What steps can be taken to reduce waste in the office?
  • How is the budget deficit planned to be overcome?
  1. Hypothetical Questions:


  • What would you do if you won a million dollars?
  • How would society change if everyone had access to free education?
  • If you could travel back in time, which historical event would you like to witness?


  • What would be done if a million dollars were won?
  • How would society be changed if everyone had access to free education?
  • If a historical event could be witnessed, which one would you like to witness?

Summary and Key Takeaways:

Active and passive voices form an essential part of English grammar. Active voice emphasizes the doer, whereas passive voice emphasizes the receiver of the action. Converting active voice to passive involves changing the object to subject and inserting the auxiliary verb ‘be’ followed by the past participle form of the main verb.

Practice MCQs

The passive voice is formed by using:

a) Auxiliary verb “be” + past participle

b) Auxiliary verb “do” + base form

c) Auxiliary verb “have” + past participle

d) Auxiliary verb “will” + base form

Answer: a) Auxiliary verb “be” + past participle

Which of the following sentences is in the active voice?

a) The book was read by Sarah.

b) The cake was baked by my sister.

c) The car was repaired by the mechanic.

d) The house will be painted next week.

Answer: c) The car was repaired by the mechanic.

Choose the correct active voice form of the sentence: “The letter was written by him.”

a) He was writing the letter.

b) He wrote the letter.

c) He has written the letter.

d) He had written the letter.

Answer: b) He wrote the letter.

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) I will eat dinner later.

b) They were playing football in the park.

c) The movie was watched by millions of people.

d) She has finished her homework.

Answer: c) The movie was watched by millions of people.

Choose the correct passive voice form of the sentence: “The teacher is explaining the lesson.”

a) The lesson is being explained by the teacher.

b) The lesson is explained by the teacher.

c) The lesson was explained by the teacher.

d) The lesson has been explained by the teacher.

Answer: a) The lesson is being explained by the teacher.

Which of the following sentences is in the active voice?

a) The song was sung beautifully by the singer.

b) The dog was chased by the cat.

c) The problem will be solved soon.

d) I was given a gift by my friend.

Answer: d) I was given a gift by my friend.

Choose the correct active voice form of the sentence: “The door was opened by her.”

a) She opened the door.

b) She is opening the door.

c) She has opened the door.

d) She had opened the door.

Answer: a) She opened the door.

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The children were playing in the park.

b) The cake was baked by my mother.

c) The movie will start in ten minutes.

d) She has finished her work.

Answer: b) The cake was baked by my mother.

Choose the correct passive voice form of the sentence: “They are building a new bridge.”

a) A new bridge is built by them.

b) A new bridge was built by them.

c) A new bridge is being built by them.

d) A new bridge has been built by them.

Answer: c) A new bridge is being built by them.

The passive voice is used when:

a) The subject performs the action.

b) The object performs the action.

c) The action is performed on the subject.

d) The action is performed by multiple subjects.

Answer: c) The action is performed on the subject.

Which of the following sentences is in the active voice?

a) The letter will be posted tomorrow.

b) The house was destroyed by the storm.

c) The students were taught by the professor.

d) She has been praised for her performance.

Answer: d) She has been praised for her performance.

Choose the correct active voice form of the sentence: “The window was broken by the ball.”

a) The ball broke the window.

b) The ball is breaking the window.

c) The ball has broken the window.

d) The ball had broken the window.

Answer: a) The ball broke the window.

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The children are playing in the park.

b) The car was driven by my father.

c) The concert will start at 8 PM.

d) She has written a new book.

Answer: b) The car was driven by my father.

Choose the correct passive voice form of the sentence: “They have built a new school.”

a) A new school has built them.

b) A new school was built by them.

c) A new school is built by them.

d) A new school has been built by them.

Answer: d) A new school has been built by them.

In which voice is the sentence “The dog bit the man”?

a) Active voice

b) Passive voice

Answer: a) Active voice

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The students were reading their books.

b) The tree was planted by the gardener.

c) The movie starts at 7 PM.

d) She has completed the project.

Answer: b) The tree was planted by the gardener.

Choose the correct active voice form of the sentence: “The car was being repaired by the mechanic.”

a) The mechanic repaired the car.

b) The mechanic is repairing the car.

c) The mechanic has repaired the car.

d) The mechanic had repaired the car.

Answer: a) The mechanic repaired the car.

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The children played soccer in the field.

b) The book was written by a famous author.

c) The party will be held at my house.

d) She had baked a delicious cake.

Answer: b) The book was written by a famous author.

Choose the correct passive voice form of the sentence: “They were discussing the issue.”

a) The issue was discussed by them.

b) The issue is discussed by them.

c) The issue has been discussed by them.

d) The issue had been discussed by them.

Answer: a) The issue was discussed by them.

The passive voice is used when:

a) The subject wants to emphasize the action.

b) The subject wants to avoid responsibility.

c) The subject is unknown or unimportant.

d) The subject is plural.

Answer: b) The subject wants to avoid responsibility.

Which of the following sentences is in the active voice?

a) The movie will be watched by everyone.

b) The door was opened by John.

c) The painting was admired by the visitors.

d) She has been praised for her achievements.

Answer: d) She has been praised for her achievements.

Choose the correct active voice form of the sentence: “The letter is being typed by him.”

a) He is typing the letter.

b) He types the letter.

c) He typed the letter.

d) He has typed the letter.

Answer: a) He is typing the letter.

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The children are playing in the garden.

b) The cake was eaten by my sister.

c) The concert starts at 9 PM.

d) She has finished her painting.

Answer: b) The cake was eaten by my sister.

Choose the correct passive voice form of the sentence: “They have sold the house.”

a) The house has sold them.

b) The house was sold by them.

c) The house is sold by them.

d) The house has been sold by them.

Answer: d) The house has been sold by them.

In which voice is the sentence “The song was sung by the choir”?

a) Active voice

b) Passive voice

Answer: b) Passive voice

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The students were listening to the lecture.

b) The dog was chasing the cat.

c) The meeting will be held tomorrow.

d) She has written a poem.

Answer: c) The meeting will be held tomorrow.

Choose the correct active voice form of the sentence: “The window was opened by the wind.”

a) The wind opened the window.

b) The wind is opening the window.

c) The wind has opened the window.

d) The wind had opened the window.

Answer: a) The wind opened the window.

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The children played in the park.

b) The book was written by a famous author.

c) The party starts at 7 PM.

d) She had finished her work.

Answer: b) The book was written by a famous author.

Choose the correct passive voice form of the sentence: “They are discussing the plan.”

a) The plan is discussed by them.

b) The plan is being discussed by them.

c) The plan has been discussed by them.

d) The plan had been discussed by them.

Answer: b) The plan is being discussed by them.

The passive voice is used when:

a) The subject wants to emphasize the action.

b) The subject wants to avoid responsibility.

c) The subject is unknown or unimportant.

d) The subject is plural.

Answer: b) The subject wants to avoid responsibility.

Which of the following sentences is in the active voice?

a) The movie will be watched by everyone.

b) The door was opened by John.

c) The painting was admired by the visitors.

d) She has been praised for her achievements.

Answer: d) She has been praised for her achievements.

Choose the correct active voice form of the sentence: “The letter is being typed by him.”

a) He is typing the letter.

b) He types the letter.

c) He typed the letter.

d) He has typed the letter.

Answer: a) He is typing the letter.

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The children are playing in the garden.

b) The cake was eaten by my sister.

c) The concert starts at 9 PM.

d) She has finished her painting.

Answer: b) The cake was eaten by my sister.

Choose the correct passive voice form of the sentence: “They have sold the house.”

a) The house has sold them.

b) The house was sold by them.

c) The house is sold by them.

d) The house has been sold by them.

Answer: d) The house has been sold by them.

In which voice is the sentence “The song was sung by the choir”?

a) Active voice

b) Passive voice

Answer: b) Passive voice

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The students were listening to the lecture.

b) The dog was chasing the cat.

c) The meeting will be held tomorrow.

d) She has written a poem.

Answer: c) The meeting will be held tomorrow.

Choose the correct active voice form of the sentence: “The window was opened by the wind.”

a) The wind opened the window.

b) The wind is opening the window.

c) The wind has opened the window.

d) The wind had opened the window.

Answer: a) The wind opened the window.

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The children played in the park.

b) The book was written by a famous author.

c) The party starts at 7 PM.

d) She had finished her work.

Answer: b) The book was written by a famous author.

Choose the correct passive voice form of the sentence: “They are discussing the plan.”

a) The plan is discussed by them.

b) The plan is being discussed by them.

c) The plan has been discussed by them.

d) The plan had been discussed by them.

Answer: b) The plan is being discussed by them.

The passive voice is used when:

a) The subject wants to emphasize the action.

b) The subject wants to avoid responsibility.

c) The subject is unknown or unimportant.

d) The subject is plural.

Answer: b) The subject wants to avoid responsibility.

Which of the following sentences is in the active voice?

a) The movie will be watched by everyone.

b) The door was opened by John.

c) The painting was admired by the visitors.

d) She has been praised for her achievements.

Answer: d) She has been praised for her achievements.

Choose the correct active voice form of the sentence: “The letter is being typed by him.”

a) He is typing the letter.

b) He types the letter.

c) He typed the letter.

d) He has typed the letter.

Answer: a) He is typing the letter.

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The children are playing in the garden.

b) The cake was eaten by my sister.

c) The concert starts at 9 PM.

d) She has finished her painting.

Answer: b) The cake was eaten by my sister.

Choose the correct passive voice form of the sentence: “They have sold the house.”

a) The house has sold them.

b) The house was sold by them.

c) The house is sold by them.

d) The house has been sold by them.

Answer: d) The house has been sold by them.

In which voice is the sentence “The song was sung by the choir”?

a) Active voice

b) Passive voice

Answer: b) Passive voice

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The students were listening to the lecture.

b) The dog was chasing the cat.

c) The meeting will be held tomorrow.

d) She has written a poem.

Answer: c) The meeting will be held tomorrow.

Choose the correct active voice form of the sentence: “The window was opened by the wind.”

a) The wind opened the window.

b) The wind is opening the window.

c) The wind has opened the window.

d) The wind had opened the window.

Answer: a) The wind opened the window.

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The children played in the park.

b) The book was written by a famous author.

c) The party starts at 7 PM.

d) She had finished her work.

Answer: b) The book was written by a famous author.

Choose the correct passive voice form of the sentence: “They are discussing the plan.”

a) The plan is discussed by them.

b) The plan is being discussed by them.

c) The plan has been discussed by them.

d) The plan had been discussed by them.

Answer: b) The plan is being discussed by them.

The passive voice is used when:

a) The subject wants to emphasize the action.

b) The subject wants to avoid responsibility.

c) The subject is unknown or unimportant.

d) The subject is plural.

Answer: b) The subject wants to avoid responsibility.

Which of the following sentences is in the active voice?

a) The movie will be watched by everyone.

b) The door was opened by John.

c) The painting was admired by the visitors.

d) She has been praised for her achievements.

Answer: d) She has been praised for her achievements.

Choose the correct active voice form of the sentence: “The letter is being typed by him.”

a) He is typing the letter.

b) He types the letter.

c) He typed the letter.

d) He has typed the letter.

Answer: a) He is typing the letter.

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The children are playing in the garden.

b) The cake was eaten by my sister.

c) The concert starts at 9 PM.

d) She has finished her painting.

Answer: b) The cake was eaten by my sister.

Choose the correct passive voice form of the sentence: “They have sold the house.”

a) The house has sold them.

b) The house was sold by them.

c) The house is sold by them.

d) The house has been sold by them.

Answer: d) The house has been sold by them.

In which voice is the sentence “The song was sung by the choir”?

a) Active voice

b) Passive voice

Answer: b) Passive voice

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The students were listening to the lecture.

b) The dog was chasing the cat.

c) The meeting will be held tomorrow.

d) She has written a poem.

Answer: c) The meeting will be held tomorrow.

Choose the correct active voice form of the sentence: “The window was opened by the wind.”

a) The wind opened the window.

b) The wind is opening the window.

c) The wind has opened the window.

d) The wind had opened the window.

Answer: a) The wind opened the window.

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The children played in the park.

b) The book was written by a famous author.

c) The party starts at 7 PM.

d) She had finished her work.

Answer: b) The book was written by a famous author.

Choose the correct passive voice form of the sentence: “They are discussing the plan.”

a) The plan is discussed by them.

b) The plan is being discussed by them.

c) The plan has been discussed by them.

d) The plan had been discussed by them.

Answer: b) The plan is being discussed by them.

The passive voice is used when:

a) The subject wants to emphasize the action.

b) The subject wants to avoid responsibility.

c) The subject is unknown or unimportant.

d) The subject is plural.

Answer: b) The subject wants to avoid responsibility.

Which of the following sentences is in the active voice?

a) The movie will be watched by everyone.

b) The door was opened by John.

c) The painting was admired by the visitors.

d) She has been praised for her achievements.

Answer: d) She has been praised for her achievements.

Choose the correct active voice form of the sentence: “The letter is being typed by him.”

a) He is typing the letter.

b) He types the letter.

c) He typed the letter.

d) He has typed the letter.

Answer: a) He is typing the letter.

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The children are playing in the garden.

b) The cake was eaten by my sister.

c) The concert starts at 9 PM.

d) She has finished her painting.

Answer: b) The cake was eaten by my sister.

Choose the correct passive voice form of the sentence: “They have sold the house.”

a) The house has sold them.

b) The house was sold by them.

c) The house is sold by them.

d) The house has been sold by them.

Answer: d) The house has been sold by them.

In which voice is the sentence “The song was sung by the choir”?

a) Active voice

b) Passive voice

Answer: b) Passive voice

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The students were listening to the lecture.

b) The dog was chasing the cat.

c) The meeting will be held tomorrow.

d) She has written a poem.

Answer: c) The meeting will be held tomorrow.

Choose the correct active voice form of the sentence: “The window was opened by the wind.”

a) The wind opened the window.

b) The wind is opening the window.

c) The wind has opened the window.

d) The wind had opened the window.

Answer: a) The wind opened the window.

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The children played in the park.

b) The book was written by a famous author.

c) The party starts at 7 PM.

d) She had finished her work.

Answer: b) The book was written by a famous author.

Choose the correct passive voice form of the sentence: “They are discussing the plan.”

a) The plan is discussed by them.

b) The plan is being discussed by them.

c) The plan has been discussed by them.

d) The plan had been discussed by them.

Answer: b) The plan is being discussed by them.

The passive voice is used when:

a) The subject wants to emphasize the action.

b) The subject wants to avoid responsibility.

c) The subject is unknown or unimportant.

d) The subject is plural.

Answer: b) The subject wants to avoid responsibility.

Which of the following sentences is in the active voice?

a) The movie will be watched by everyone.

b) The door was opened by John.

c) The painting was admired by the visitors.

d) She has been praised for her achievements.

Answer: d) She has been praised for her achievements.

Choose the correct active voice form of the sentence: “The letter is being typed by him.”

a) He is typing the letter.

b) He types the letter.

c) He typed the letter.

d) He has typed the letter.

Answer: a) He is typing the letter.

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The children are playing in the garden.

b) The cake was eaten by my sister.

c) The concert starts at 9 PM.

d) She has finished her painting.

Answer: b) The cake was eaten by my sister.

Choose the correct passive voice form of the sentence: “They have sold the house.”

a) The house has sold them.

b) The house was sold by them.

c) The house is sold by them.

d) The house has been sold by them.

Answer: d) The house has been sold by them.

In which voice is the sentence “The song was sung by the choir”?

a) Active voice

b) Passive voice

Answer: b) Passive voice

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The students were listening to the lecture.

b) The dog was chasing the cat.

c) The meeting will be held tomorrow.

d) She has written a poem.

Answer: c) The meeting will be held tomorrow.

Choose the correct active voice form of the sentence: “The window was opened by the wind.”

a) The wind opened the window.

b) The wind is opening the window.

c) The wind has opened the window.

d) The wind had opened the window.

Answer: a) The wind opened the window.

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The children played in the park.

b) The book was written by a famous author.

c) The party starts at 7 PM.

d) She had finished her work.

Answer: b) The book was written by a famous author.

Choose the correct passive voice form of the sentence: “They are discussing the plan.”

a) The plan is discussed by them.

b) The plan is being discussed by them.

c) The plan has been discussed by them.

d) The plan had been discussed by them.

Answer: b) The plan is being discussed by them.

The passive voice is used when:

a) The subject wants to emphasize the action.

b) The subject wants to avoid responsibility.

c) The subject is unknown or unimportant.

d) The subject is plural.

Answer: b) The subject wants to avoid responsibility.

Which of the following sentences is in the active voice?

a) The movie will be watched by everyone.

b) The door was opened by John.

c) The painting was admired by the visitors.

d) She has been praised for her achievements.

Answer: d) She has been praised for her achievements.

Choose the correct active voice form of the sentence: “The letter is being typed by him.”

a) He is typing the letter.

b) He types the letter.

c) He typed the letter.

d) He has typed the letter.

Answer: a) He is typing the letter.

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The children are playing in the garden.

b) The cake was eaten by my sister.

c) The concert starts at 9 PM.

d) She has finished her painting.

Answer: b) The cake was eaten by my sister.

Choose the correct passive voice form of the sentence: “They have sold the house.”

a) The house has sold them.

b) The house was sold by them.

c) The house is sold by them.

d) The house has been sold by them.

Answer: d) The house has been sold by them.

In which voice is the sentence “The song was sung by the choir”?

a) Active voice

b) Passive voice

Answer: b) Passive voice

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The students were listening to the lecture.

b) The dog was chasing the cat.

c) The meeting will be held tomorrow.

d) She has written a poem.

Answer: c) The meeting will be held tomorrow.

Choose the correct active voice form of the sentence: “The window was opened by the wind.”

a) The wind opened the window.

b) The wind is opening the window.

c) The wind has opened the window.

d) The wind had opened the window.

Answer: a) The wind opened the window.

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The children played in the park.

b) The book was written by a famous author.

c) The party starts at 7 PM.

d) She had finished her work.

Answer: b) The book was written by a famous author.

Choose the correct passive voice form of the sentence: “They are discussing the plan.”

a) The plan is discussed by them.

b) The plan is being discussed by them.

c) The plan has been discussed by them.

d) The plan had been discussed by them.

Answer: b) The plan is being discussed by them.

The passive voice is used when:

a) The subject wants to emphasize the action.

b) The subject wants to avoid responsibility.

c) The subject is unknown or unimportant.

d) The subject is plural.

Answer: b) The subject wants to avoid responsibility.

Which of the following sentences is in the active voice?

a) The movie will be watched by everyone.

b) The door was opened by John.

c) The painting was admired by the visitors.

d) She has been praised for her achievements.

Answer: d) She has been praised for her achievements.

Choose the correct active voice form of the sentence: “The letter is being typed by him.”

a) He is typing the letter.

b) He types the letter.

c) He typed the letter.

d) He has typed the letter.

Answer: a) He is typing the letter.

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The children are playing in the garden.

b) The cake was eaten by my sister.

c) The concert starts at 9 PM.

d) She has finished her painting.

Answer: b) The cake was eaten by my sister.

Choose the correct passive voice form of the sentence: “They have sold the house.”

a) The house has sold them.

b) The house was sold by them.

c) The house is sold by them.

d) The house has been sold by them.

Answer: d) The house has been sold by them.

In which voice is the sentence “The song was sung by the choir”?

a) Active voice

b) Passive voice

Answer: b) Passive voice

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The students were listening to the lecture.

b) The dog was chasing the cat.

c) The meeting will be held tomorrow.

d) She has written a poem.

Answer: c) The meeting will be held tomorrow.

Choose the correct active voice form of the sentence: “The window was opened by the wind.”

a) The wind opened the window.

b) The wind is opening the window.

c) The wind has opened the window.

d) The wind had opened the window.

Answer: a) The wind opened the window.

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

a) The children played in the park.

b) The book was written by a famous author.

c) The party starts at 7 PM.

d) She had finished her work.

Answer: b) The book was written by a famous author.

Choose the correct passive voice form of the sentence: “They are discussing the plan.”

a) The plan is discussed by them.

b) The plan is being discussed by them.

c) The plan has been discussed by them.

d) The plan had been discussed by them.

Answer: b) The plan is being discussed by them.

The passive voice is used when:

a) The subject wants to emphasize the action.

b) The subject wants to avoid responsibility.

c) The subject is unknown or unimportant.

d) The subject is plural.

Answer: b) The subject wants to avoid responsibility.

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